My dear friend and mentor, Dicken Bettinger, and I will share a conversation about moving from the focus of losing body weight or managing our food/body to unleashing the psychological well-being that we all are.
17 years ago I met Dicken. I sat with him for 4 days, soaking in his wisdom and I began the journey of knowing I always had access to my own wisdom, we all do. On day 3, I let the secret out. The real problem I wanted him to fix was ‘my eating disorder’. I had been controlling my food and body with exercise and a lot of thinking for over 20 years. Dicken, with his great love replied simply, “Susanne, what if you don’t have an eating disorder, it’s just a coping mechanism that maybe you are done with?” And he went on to share how we innocently can use our thinking in a way that blocks access to our own wisdom. Misusing thought creates the problem, and the understanding of thought can open our way to the wisdom which cures the problem.
I knew this was true.
This was the beginning of me sharing this understanding with everyone I work with.
I’m grateful to join with Dicken to share this with you. In the absence of thinking, you get to be the best YOU imaginable, food becomes nourishment and the body the wonderful vehicle you get for life.